House of Fighters

House of Fighters

House of Fighters
Real Fight Academy
About me
- over 35 years of practicing martial arts and sports (Karate Shotokan, Karate Kyokushin, Aikido, KickBoxing, Systema, JuJitsu KOBUDO), I started my first karate training in 1987.,
- #karate & #JuJitsuKOBUDO master degrees obtained over 17 years ago, the 1DAN JuJitsu - December 2005,
- Certified JuJitsuKOBUDO Instructor,
- Certified KARATE Instructor,
- Certified MMA Instructor,
- Certified KickBoxing Instructor,
- Certified instructor SANDA (Sanshou Chiao),
- BMABA Level 1 instructor, W.A.K.O. kickboxing instructor,
- World Karate & Kickboxing Association (WKA) instructor LEVEL 5,
- A lot of training and specialist powers (techniques and tactics of intervention, TONFA baton, handling short and long weapons, including the GLAUBERYT submachine gun and the IMPERATOR shotgun, combat),
- fights in many formulas (Olympic and professional boxing, KickBoxing in various formulas from POINTS through LIGHT to FULL CONTACT; K1, KarateKumite, and others),
- participant and medalist of competitions in Poland and abroad, including in the UK,
- WKO British Open Championship - bronze medals in KarateKumite and KickBoxing POINTS,
- WFMC Middlands Open Championship - bronze medal KickBoxing POINTS and KICK BOXING CHAMPION,
- Bronze medalist of the WKO European Championships in KickBoxing,
- IBKO English National Championship - tatami kickboxing silver,
- IBKO English National Championship - silver kickboxing ring,
- WKO World Championship - KickBoxing silver medal, category 89-93kg,
Black belts (master ranks):
2DAN - JuJItsu KOBUDO, 2DAN - Karate, 2DAN - Sanshou Chiao / Sanda (Chinese kickboxing), 3DAN - KickBoxing, 3DAN - W.S.A.M.A.I. (American System Martial Arts)
- Registered and licensed by:
Polish Academy Ju Jitsu & World JuJitsu Federation
and several other prestigious organizations 🔝
Certificates, permissions, documents
Professional, recognized and certified trainer
Qualification diploma for the UK National Team of the WFMC federation
Budo Pass of the Polish Academy of JuJitsu issued in 2005 after passing the master exam (first degree Black Belt)
Course completion diploma and introduction of the House of Fighters club to BMABA standards
XFC promoter certificate
Diploma confirming the representation of the XFC federation
Grading and integrity diploma.
Master's diploma - 2 DAN black belt Full Contact Karate Organization
Master's degree - 2DAN black belt - Sanshou Chiao / Sanda
Confirmation of insurance under BMABA
Instructor certificate (LEVEL 1) BMABA
Instructor certificate: MMA, JuJitsu KOBUDO, Karate, KickBoxing, SANDA
Certificate confirming the completion of a course on safety during COVID
Call-up to the Polish national team for the 2021 European Championships of the WKO federation
Diploma for winning the third place (bronze medal) at the 2021 European Championships of the WKO federation
Certificate of membership in the WMDO federation
Instructor certificate: MMA, JuJitsu KOBUDO, Karate, KickBoxing, SANDA
Instructor certificate: MMA, JuJitsu KOBUDO, Karate, KickBoxing, SANDA
Instructor certificate: MMA, JuJitsu KOBUDO, Karate, KickBoxing, SANDA
Instructor certificate: MMA, JuJitsu KOBUDO, Karate, KickBoxing, SANDA
KickBoxing, Boxing, Karate, JuJitsu KOBUDO, Self Defense, Combat
Promoted Black Belts and Degrees
Łukasz GOAT Parobiec (2DAN)
On 12 February 2023 after meeting all conditions, after a difficult exam, Łukasz was promoted to the second black belt 2DAN in kickboxing.
Łukasz is an experienced competitor, Professional Heavyweight World Champion in K1, GROMDA competitor
Krystian THE LUNATIC Nadolski (2DAN)
On May 02, 2022 he passed the exam and was promoted to 1 DAN in kickboxing.
Krystian is a professional boxer. A competitor from kyokushinkai karate. Coach, still an active player.
Marcin Durka (1kyu)
On November 16, 2021, he passed the exam and was promoted to 1 kyu (pronounced belt) in kickboxing.
He is currently preparing for the master's exam.
Marcin is a k1 , muai thai fighter and trainer with many successes.
Adam CYGAN Kadelski (2DAN)
On November 16, 2021, he passed the exam and was promoted to 1 kyu (pronounced belt) in kickboxing.
He is currently preparing for the master's exam.
Marcin is a k1 , muai thai fighter and trainer with many successes.
Nick ELAD Mills (2DAN)
On December 10, 2023, Nick, previously examined by me for 1st DAN, took the exam after meeting all the conditions and obtained the second 2nd DAN master's degree in kickboxing.
Nick is a very positive person and a good coach. He fought in the ring, cooperates with bare-knuckle fighting organizations and remains active in combat sports in various fields.
Iwo Pinkowski (8kyu)
On November 16, 2021, he passed the exam and was promoted to 1 kyu (pronounced belt) in kickboxing.
He is currently preparing for the master's exam.
Marcin is a k1 , muai thai fighter and trainer with many successes.
Łukasz Skarżyński (1kyu)
On 7 June 2022, on the recommendation of BJJ and Judo Master - sensei Robert Kolski, Łukasz was allowed to take the exam and received promotion to 1kyu (brown belt) in kickboxing.
Black belt exam coming soon...
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AllClothesThe official T-shirt of the Polish national team of the WKO federation
The official T-shirt used by the players of the Polish national team of the WKO (World Kickboxing Organization) federation.
Pattern used by the Polish team from 2020 to the present at tournaments of all levels.Ships 2023-02.View more details...SelectQuantityComing soonOctagon & House of Fighters T-Shirt
OCTAGON quality and a mega pattern straight from House of Fighters. Quality t-shirts for combat sports fans and competitors.Ships 2023-04.View more details...SelectQuantityComing soonIndividual Training - Nottinghamshire
Individual training anywhere in Nottinghamshire. The training can be carried out in any gym, at the customer's place of residence or wherever you wish.
Price includes:
- travel to the place and coach fees,
- 55 minute individual session.
The price does not include:
- fees required by the gym from the clientQuantityComing soonContact
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